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Percia Rosistelly Bezerra de Medeiro

Percia Rosistelly Bezerra de Medeiro

Nefroclínica Nephrocare, Brazil

Title: Incidence/prevalence of hypertension in patients on haemodyalisis in Hospitals in Brazil


Biography: Percia Rosistelly Bezerra de Medeiro


Arterial Hypertension is an important cardiovascular risk factor. Patients on dialysis have an increase cardiovascular risk when compared with general population. The last  Brazilian census of Nephrology published in 2017 showed that arterial hypertension remains as the first cause of chronic kidney disease leading to dialysis in Brazil.

P.Medeiros el al analyzed 67 patients from a single center  and found that only 35,8% of patients on haemodialysis (HD) achievied the target blood pressure (BP), including here patients using at least one class of anti-hypertensive drug. In this study hypertension was definided as Systolic BP pre HD <140mmHg and Diastolic BP pre HD<90mmHg.

The CORDIAL study perfomed between 2010-2011 collected data from 1200 patients  and found a prevalence of hypertension of 87,4%. The definition of hypertension was the same as defined above plus the use of any anti-hypertensive drug.

There are still a lack of data about BP control in haemodialysis patients in Brazil but the data available show a high prevalence of hypertension on this population. Lowering blood pressure objecting blood pressure control should be pursue to reduce cardiovascular events and mortality in patients on dialysis.