Rosario Lopez Infante
Title: Cardiovascular Rehabilitation: from the beginning and heading for the new challenges
Biography: Rosario Lopez Infante
This workshop approaches the general and specific concepts of cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR). CR combines prescriptive exercise training with coronary risk factor modification in patients with established heart disease. The goals of CR are to improve functional capacity, alleviate or lessen activity-related symptoms, reduce disability, and identify and modify coronary risk factors in an attempt to reduce subsequent morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular illness.
CR and efforts targeted at exercise, lipid management, hypertension control, and smoking cessation can reduce cardiovascular mortality, improve functional capacity, attenuate myocardial ischemia, retard the progression and foster the reversal of coronary atherosclerosis. Combining the knowledge and skills of clinicians (such as physicians, nurses, psychologists, and experts in nutrition, cardiac rehabilitation, and sports medicine) into multimodal, behavioral interventions can help to optimize the preventive efforts.
This workshop will provide knowledge and help develop abilities to deliver cardiovascular rehabilitation to even patients once considered to be too high risk for structured rehabilitation programs, considering the core components of this intervention in the correct dosification.
We expect our assistants to analyze and compare guidelines for outpatient CR from around the world, determine any differences and/or consensus in patient eligibility, program delivery and exercise testing, prescription and monitoring that exist in order to be able to create and provide evidencebased cardiovascular rehabilitation in their local facilities.
Finally, according to the new challenges, we will go through the potential use of aerobic exercise to mitigate the adverse cardiovascular anthracycline (AC)-induced effects in cancer patients since this treatment can decrease exercise capacity; aerobic exercise prescription before, concomitant, and after AC treatment provides cardioprotective benefits, which can mitigate or even prevent AC-induced cardiotoxicity.