Foroohar Foroozan
Analog Devices Inc.(ADI), Canada
Foroohar Foroozan is system software and signal processing scientist at Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) leading the algorithm design for vital signs and in-home monitoring systems for the healthcare business unit in Toronto. The mission of this technology development group is to deliver the embedded platform, cloud, and analytics technologies required to meet the ADI IoT product and service ambitions. She is also collaborating with the Echo2Bits healthcare team for Point-of-Care ultrasound imaging systems. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Sunnybrook Research Institute working on 3D super-resolution ultrasound imaging for brain vascular mapping from 2012 to 2013 with a PCT patent pending. She was also a lecturer at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, teaching both graduate courses from 2011 to 2012. She received her PhD degree in computer science from Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada in 2011. Her area of interest is in signal processing and algorithms in biomedical systems with focus on body area sensors for vital signs systems, in-home monitoring systems for assisted living and biomedical imaging. Dr. Foroozan’s work on compact ultrasound imaging system was awarded at the Sunnybrook-Schulich Innovation program in 2014, with a PCT patent. She is a member of the Professional Engineering Society of Ontario (PEng.) and a senior member of the IEEE.
Abstract : 24H unobtrusive Blood Pressure Monitoring and Health Maps in treating Hypertension